Price Guide
(Fees & Policies)


1st Session:

The 1st session is primarily focused on defining your goals for therapy as well as a brief overview of your past experiences that have helped shape you as the person you are today. The 1st session is an opportunity for the client to decide if Linsey is the right fit as their therapist and on potential future sessions.

Length of 1st session: The first session can take up to 90 minutes in duration. 

Individual 1st session cost: $160.00- approximately 90 minutes

Couples & Relationship 1st session cost: $225.00- 90 minutes



Scheduled Session:

To maximize progress, attain and support therapy goals, regularly scheduled sessions are recommended to recur in consecutive weeks. Scheduled sessions are also tailored to meet the specific needs of treatment for the client. Recommend session frequency will be agreed upon between the therapist and the client. Session frequency may involve meeting only once or twice a month for a maintenance session. 

Limited Funds? If your funds are limited Lotus Soul Therapy will help with other therapy options for you. Contact Lotus Soul Therapy for further details.

Individual Therapy Length:
60-minute session. 

Individual Therapy Cost:

Couples/ Relationship Therapy Length: 60- 90  minute session.

Couples/ Relationship Therapy Cost:

$180.00- 60 minutes

$225.00- 90 minutes



Method of

Cash and email transfer are the preferred method of payments. The client will be provided with a receipt upon payment. Full payment is due at the end of the scheduled session. In the event that the payment is not made when due, payment will be required prior to scheduling subsequent appointments.

Email Transfer Payment: If payment is made through email transfer, please send the full amount owed for your scheduled session 2 hours before it begins to ensure the funds are present by the end of the scheduled session.



& Missed Session:

Cancellation of a scheduled session requires 24 hours’ notice. The only exceptions are due to a medical emergency or severe weather event. If a client is not present for a scheduled appointment the full amount of the session must be paid in full before rescheduling appointments.

Full client confidentiality is strictly practiced and an aspect of the code of ethics.




Registered Psychotherapist fees are not covered by OHIP. However, the fees may be completely or partially covered by your extended medical plan or possibly as a deductible as a medical expense on income taxes. Psychotherapy/ counselling services may be covered under your company or workplace’s extended health benefits. If you are planning to use insurance or third-party coverage, you are required to cover the full fee, regardless of the amount reimbursed to you. Lotus Soul Therapy will provide receipts for you to submit for reimbursement. You are also responsible for full payment of services should your insurance coverage or third- party provider stop funding. 

If you’re not covered please contact the Registered Psychotherapist Insurance Committee; use this therapy benefits link to help you receive coverage. The Registered Psychotherapist Insurance Committee is a group of Registered Psychotherapist that are addressing the inclusion of Psychotherapist into the mental health benefits from third- party payers.



“No mud, no lotus.”

Thich Nhat Hanh